
LEAP has a vast portfolio, offering its clients a very high level of consultancy, professionals who, having worked for multinational companies, gained practical experience with the main challenges that every company is subject to.

After a deep immersion in your company, LEAP will offer its opinion based on the information obtained and the entire company’s economic, commercial and tax environment.

We do not state the obvious. We add financial and strategic value to your business.


How do I know if my company meets the basic standards of International Accounting Standards?

– Analysis of each IFRS rule and its proper application in the organization;
– Presentation of the impacts of the implementation of CPCs in the company;
– IFRS training;
– Participation in discussions and alignment with the Headquarters of multinationals around the world, in other languages: English and Spanish.


Planning and financial advice with operations and billing control

– Cash flow management;
– Mapping and Management of Working Capitalworking capital)
– Financial cash flow planning;
– Monitoring of bank transactions and applications;
– Control of accounts payable and receivable;
- Bank reconciliation;
– Automation of the Billing process;
– Relationship with banks;
– Preparation of reports in other languages for reporting to HQs abroad.

Development of processes and tools to improve, in the short term, the average period of receipt, collection and credit analysis of companies.

– Collection and monitoring of credit granting;
– Customer base;
– Collection Management Policy;
– Credit Management Policy;
– Advising on legal processes for customer collection;
– Preparation of reports in other languages for reporting to HQs abroad.

Development of processes and tools for foreign currency control in cash flow management.

– Exchange closing management with the best market rates;
– Derivative transactions for exchange protection (ndf hedge, natural hedge, swap etc.);
– Management of payments and receipts in foreign currency;
– Cash flow in foreign currency;
– Guidance on accounting for “hedge accounting”;hedge accounting”;
– Preparation of reports in other languages for reporting to HQs abroad.

Support in cash flow management through financing by private and public banks.

– Obtaining better loan and financing rates for investments, working capital etc.;
– Obtaining financing via BNDES, BNB and Private Banks;
– Preparation of reports in other languages ​​for reporting to Headquarters abroad;

Support in investment management and analysis of potential financial return.

– Calculation of time and percentage of return on investments your company wishes to make;
– Is it worth buying this customer base at this price? How soon will we have the return?;
– Is it worth your company investing in a new space, building or warehouse? Or would it pay to keep the money and continue renting?


How to know if the Company is performing as it should? Are the presented goals sufficient? Will there be enough sales next year to cover costs and generate profit?

– Excellent knowledge of Controllership, a team specialized in the subject;
– Analysis of the Contribution Margin for each of the company’s businesses;
– Implementation of the financial planning area;
– Preparation of the company's Annual Budget;
– Monthly monitoring of REAL vs. BUDGET in collaboration with the company's administration;
– Presentation of accounting numbers on Dashboards by the Company's Management decision making;
– Presentation of the Budget to the Company's Board in Brazil or abroad;
– Participation in discussions and alignment with the Headquarters of multinationals around the world, in other languages: English and Spanish.

What is the cost of the product my company sells? How much is the labor value of each sold component? Is my company making money from it?

– Deep knowledge of Cost Control, a team specialized in the subject.
– Implementation of the costing area;
– Cost management by product, by factory, by production line etc.;
– Formulation of the labor cost/hour worked;
– Analysis of raw material costs and their impacts on finished products;
– Participation in discussions and alignment with the Headquarters of multinationals around the world, in other languages: English and Spanish.

How much will my employees cost next year? How to calculate this and know if the profit I will generate will be enough to keep the staff in the company? Will I be able to hire in the coming months? Will ends meet?

– Vast knowledge in Payroll Budget Management, a team specialized in the subject;
– Analysis of the cost of each employee for the company;
– Impact of additional costs with collective bargaining, hiring of labor etc.;
– Headcount analysis of each business of the Company;
– Participation in discussions and alignment with the Headquarters of multinationals around the world, in other languages: English and Spanish.


– Preparation and realization of annual physical inventories;
– Development of inventory movement policies (low turnover product and provisions for losses);
– Implementation of logistical processes for inventory control through management tools;
– Automation of the inventory processes.

– Analysis of raw material, finished product and packaging stock turnover indicators;
– Improved cash flow management in the company's inventories;
– Development of inventory measurement and KPIs management.


Any business needs to buy very well so to sell and be competitive. Therefore, we created this area of ​​activity at LEAP with the objective of advising our clients how to be more competitive.

– Mapping of the company's current processes;
– Preparation of a work policy for the Supply area;
– Formulation of a strategic supply area, focused on cost reduction; We act from the very start to the hiring and training of the team;

Strategic Negotiation

– We have a team prepared to negotiate the purchase of any raw material, packaging or finished product in Brazil and abroad;
– Presentation of the Cost Avoidance or Cost Saving of each negotiation made by the LEAP team.


Development of a lean, modern organization that meets the organization's short, medium and long term needs.

– Proposal of a lean structure for the company's management (reduction of up to 30% of payroll costs);
– Development of human resources policies to improve the organizational climate and to generate greater productivity;
– Analysis of labor risks and proposals for mitigation;
– Negotiation with unions;
– Participation in discussions and alignment with the Headquarters of multinationals around the world, in other languages: English and Spanish.


The partners detain an extensive international experience, having worked for French, German, Spanish and American multinationals, and will, themselves, provide leadership training in the companies.

– Assessment of current management. Where is it and where does the Board of Directors want to take it?;
– Formação especializada e de altíssimo nível para Diretores, Heads, Gerentes e Coordenadores;
– Development of management tools that will measure the performance of leaders and their teams as to maximize the organizations' results.


Diagnosis and evaluation of the brand in the market in which the company operates;

– Understanding how the customer sees the company brand attributes;
– SWOT development;
– Analysis of the company's strategic positioning (acting in the market with a fighting price? High prices? Premium brand?);
– Participation in discussions and alignments with the Headquarters of multinationals around the world, in other languages: English and Spanish;

We give support to the development of an area that analyzes product costs, competitors' market and supports the development of sales prices.

– Impacts on the formation of the sale price;
– Market research with the prices of main competitors;
– Development of cost control measures and impacts on price increases;
– Impact of taxes on price formation of the products;
– Participation in discussions and alignment with the Headquarters of multinationals around the world, in other languages: English and Spanish.

Analysis and suggestion for commission policy that adds value to the organization's business

– Understanding the market;
– Implementation of sales commission process by escalation;
– Implementation of percentage rules for commissions for salespeople and sales representatives;
– Guidance and guidelines in the management of sales representatives, avoiding labor risks;
– Participation in discussions and alignment with the Headquarters of multinationals around the world, in other languages: English and Spanish.

– Development of an Annual Strategic Plan for the Company, involving senior management;
– Setting goals and monitoring through management tools.


Planning for protection of the company's assets through risk mitigation

– Protection of company assets;
– Ensure the rights of partners over business risks;
– Protection of family assets;
– Ease of asset management in cases of succession;
– Reduction of the tax burden on family investments (rent etc).

Complete planning to adapt the enterprise to corporate type.

– Advice on corporate restructuring;
– Studies with emphasis on adapting the corporate type to the enterprise’s purpose;
– Analysis of the company's current scenario, focusing on improving the use of resources and reducing expenses.

You are 100% focused on your business.

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